Thursday, December 9, 2010

How To Make Home Made Balun?

Reflections by Congress and the Constitution Bridge

P grooming by Congress and Reflections of the Constitution Bridge

- Reflections of the Bridge of the Constitution-I-

Comments passing

I went on youtube to entertain with some recited poems, Lorca, Aleixandre, Vallejo, Quevedo, Tuñón, Oliverio Spinning, Germain Garcia Pardo, Olga Orozco, Enrique Molina, and before the feast I had the bad idea to see if had comments.

had some misspellings and like people who do not understand anything about poetry or even politics.

people that I have read and make malicious comments are a little uneducated and have no great sexual culture.

Later I will return to this matter of sexual culture but at this stage that interest me are the comments.

last week 10-12 days ago, Mourinho said loudly that modesty is useless and I think I even said that Ronaldo was better than Messi. And he came to bring him eight goals (as happened with Almeria).

I think the Barcelona players, their coach, took pity, because with a little enthusiasm would have put the eight goals as Real coach asked.

This is not to talk about football, I do not understand much, but to compare comments.

Such comments as unfortunate Mourinho are nothing compared with the comments made in my poetic work, you understand writing and reading.

example, I'm not going to consider because this man, the brain fails him.

Comment: "Lorca recited in Andalusia," said the beast, and then (and here he saw the plume) "You recite it in Argentina."

My first thought (because I leave feeling all for patients and critics), I thought: And why ask for Internet freedom in order to say that stuff and have some power, control all who are not like them.

That is, they want to kill anything different when, in fact, the wonder of the human being is its similarity to other humans, while their differences (a few years ago when I was studying these things, I came to know that to make a human being like another human being would not be achieved ever, sorry, the sages who taught me these avatars, never said no, saying that making a human being like another human being take five thousand years.

The imagery of each one is different in each individual. And it is, so to speak, irreducible to any operation of knowledge and conscience.

understand that I'm wandering a bit but I have seventy years and heard many comments throughout my life.

Ideology, the much talked about ideology, it is driven by the imagination of everyone. Why the agreements must be in writing and as far away from feelings (which in all cases are imaginary, I mean person). Not serve either for business or for love.

Bridge Reflections-II- Constitution

Today I "am" in no mood to write.

Although not much mind, today I have some questions.
all know that a man when he speaks he says one thing and then says something else, but the facts are not as skilled as words.

when speaking to a man can lie, say you love someone who does not love and vice versa. Instead, the facts do not lie.
Example: Drivers, acting, made the country lose four hundred and thirty million euros and destroyed inelegantly holidays and obligations of thousands of citizens.

Faced with this material and then the government was forced to the militarization of the group, the drivers apologize to the affected population and say they are not to blame and some even cry because they feel pressure.

You realize how horrible it would prosecute the criminals for what they are able to say after the crime, which will have physical evidence of his guilt. Would be imprisoned and sentenced to death the innocent and the criminals would walk free on the streets of the city and continue making more crimes.

The powerful of the PP and the Valencian Government are all physical evidence of this injustice.

The English mood should, in the same manner that leaves no stand for election to certain groups suspected, should be prohibited absolutely stand for election to the corrupt (with police evidence against them) but not are guilty because we know that there are corrupt judges, especially the friend of the president of Valencia.

The secret not so secret, that talk about Zapatero and his environment, if not for what they say the English journalists (24 pm CNN +) prior to publishing the semi-secret, should be taken as a compliment to the English Government.

Zapatero, a lynx and very well trained in the important issues. Rubalcaba, directly charming. White, not look you in the eyes but a deep knowledge of politics and the soul of those who do not look into his eyes. Moratinos yelled at the ambassadors but in a world subject to American injustice, yell at the representatives of the American mood can be considered a compliment.

And despite the ubiquitous machismo of Americans when they speak of women in the Government, it is with some degree of respect and admiration.

Speaking of machismo in Spain is very big and that many women share, I can not understand why they insist on talking about domestic violence when in fact it is crimes of passion.

The retired psychoanalyst


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