Sunday, March 14, 2010

Naruto Dojinfutanari Kokoro Tenshin -


We all grow up listening to romantic songs that have inspired and moved us really believe that their words are absolute truth and so we have taken in many cases their messages of whom say they suffer for love is like normal destroyed by a break and hoping to achieve can not be forgotten. We have seen

romances that most socio-cultural groups approve and enjoy. In these novels the characters are divided into good and bad, powerful or powerless, there is always the reward for pain comes at the end: we must bear knows, someday things will change. Many of these novels reality show, some absolutes in terms of love, and sexuality couples making love in an agony of perhaps preventing the transition to healthy and fulfilling love.

dying for love? Cultural practices of our society promote a series of behaviors that could lead us to agonize for a love, successful men and women, beautiful, beautiful, become unemployed, ugly, overweight neglected and dependent on whose agony. Women often feel mistreated and represses his feelings for fear of losing his stormy love, and he becomes vulnerable to the degree you need to feel your love completely dependent on him and make sure never to be alone. They men and women, considered fair to pay such a high price for something that has enormous value: the company and the affection of a dying love.

And it will be a healthy and satisfying love? Today, with so much knowledge and technology we can not go fantasizing about killing dragons, climbing castles and swallowing knives to make love in this time each person brings his own to build a relationship, but does not sacrifice what is shared have and trying to change what does not work in agreement, but if it means dying in the attempt, the choice is rational and operational separation, what matters is what is learned in the process and not loving life.

A healthy love is one that nurtures and inspires positive for both men and women and enables the development and welfare of sensuality and eroticism leading the individual to a full and healthy life. Sex love and enable us to feel the highest levels of pleasure, satisfaction, and freedom ...

While some do not believe it, it IS possible to be happy without the agony of love insane, sometimes alone or alone. Of course it's much more rewarding to be happy with another equally happy, healthy, happy, loving and sacrificing no feeling and no suffering, and not wishing away ...

Heinz Aleida Aleida .-
Posted by Heinz 14 : 25


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