Even in this century XXI ", sexual rights are not known. The conservative position even condemns the sexual expression and even sees sex as something "evil" or "evil" ... There is still a strong prejudice against sexuality and its research. Although there is fear and false beliefs after hundreds of years of scientific evidence about the sexual health benefits .....
It requires a positive attitude to sexuality, non-judgmental, no taboos, no fears. It requires people with open minds and not narrow and genuinely interested in sexual health, sexual rights, sex education, and sexuality in general ..... The education and sexual knowledge may prevent alcohol and drug abuse, prevent violence, crimes of passion, and divorce in many cases ...
scientific studies are required and data on the practices, attitudes, beliefs and sexual behavior of different cultures. Latin American sexuality is not known with accuracy. Be both taboo and prejudice we Latin Americans do not exist as sexually healthy people for the world? Sera will be recognized as an infinitely sexually ignorant and sexist people ?....
THANKS to all who believe in freedom and healthy and responsible sexual expression, which contribute to scientific research on sexuality for the benefit of all
us as sexual beings we are, from birth until our death .... Aleida
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
What To Do For A Going Away For Military
SURVEY ON SEXUALITY: www.surveymonkey.com/s/239QYSC
Heinz Hi everybody!
I'm doing a survey (questionnaire) of The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, taken by thousands of people in the world for scientific purposes for studies on human sexuality.
is designed by the Institute to study sexuality. We are currently studying the Latino / Hispanic, married / as.
is ANONYMOUS, CONFIDENTIAL , and you only need the analysis of the results of a population of Latino / Hispanic married and his sexuality. POST NO NAMES OR DATA FOR ONLY SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ON SEXUALITY .-
Just enter the next WEB answer (YOU KNOW ENGLISH) and sends (DONE). Very simple and will take 20 minutes to complete. All!! AND THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING.
Clinical Sexologist Heinz PhD candidate
Heinz Hi everybody!
I'm doing a survey (questionnaire) of The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, taken by thousands of people in the world for scientific purposes for studies on human sexuality.
is designed by the Institute to study sexuality. We are currently studying the Latino / Hispanic, married / as.
is ANONYMOUS, CONFIDENTIAL , and you only need the analysis of the results of a population of Latino / Hispanic married and his sexuality. POST NO NAMES OR DATA FOR ONLY SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ON SEXUALITY .-
Just enter the next WEB answer (YOU KNOW ENGLISH) and sends (DONE). Very simple and will take 20 minutes to complete. All!! AND THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING.
Clinical Sexologist Heinz PhD candidate
Friday, March 4, 2011
What Does Jimi Hendrix Wear On His Head
Our 23-F
I have spent almost a month without writing and return to blog with a post should have written 11 days ago, so sorry you neglect. Today I will talk about the 23-F, that is, the coup of February 23, 1981, which have completed 30 years. And since I'm a nostalgic type who likes to delve into memory and even if you do not give a damn I'll tell you what I remember of that day , now that it has become fashionable to talk about where we were when we spent a historical event (the Super Eskup Jacinto Anton). I know I'm not Carrillo, nor was doing national service in Valencia and my father was a Socialist councilor and had to cross the border but still one of my generation feels and even found it funny.
The 23-F was not the major event that marked our childhood. I think it was much more significant the World Naranjito, we inoculated a tragic sense of life-never such expectations were dashed more ridiculous then redeemed in part to 12-1 to Malta. It is normal, a child understands what a football championship, can collect the cards, watch the games, but it is difficult to understand what a coup: in fact most of us heard then that expression (stroke State) for the first time.
not understand why what was happening. That afternoon I have flashes, which I do not know if you remember or recall memory: My grandfather came home from school very worried, the radio played music Dácil military and my sister and I we went to bed with the impression that something serious was happening we could not understand or higher could not explain. We did not sleep until after King's speech, I remember my mother across the aisle, we were to be raised, he said: "Calm down, nothing happens." So we calmed without knowing exactly why even before we were nervous.
next day I went to school but we spent the day playing and chatting because almost everyone stayed home. I vaguely remember Miss Rosie, our guardian of that year, EGB-third of us in class tried to explain what had happened. Al final half understood and me I found very interesting from the point of view of history, not that I re-coup that I got to do a stage adaptation of that event. Yes, not to brag, but one of the first works of fiction based on the 23-F was written by a server in a sheet in front and behind.
With all useless objects that crowd in my home I find it incredible to have lost the script. I do not know, maybe you are somewhere, I have to go to Tenerife with time and a thorough search of the cupboards in search of treasure like that. Do not keep it, but I clearly remember what it was: a piece of paper that my mother spent a machine and then multiplied, I had not been invented Copier-stained with something that much and was called cliché. Don Dionisio, professor landmark of my childhood, recently rediscovered, which I so much and who will write soon on this blog , made a strong criticism of the work . On the first side of the road wrote "very sharp" and in the second, "very dull." Remember cast in the role of Alejandro Tejero (put a cocked hat I do not know where he got) civil guard was Gaby, Mariano Suarez and I of Felipe González. Panchi may be Fraga, but I can not confirm. There was not a girl in the cast: I must say that was not in the Congress.
The play was staged with great success, modesty aside, in our class and many other school and if I remember correctly, the day of prom. The pity is that there is a bloody picture of the event. I ever criticized how people today going around taking pictures and videos of anything and most do not find out what they are seeing. If today some children do a performance like that would record with 20 parents or mobile cameras and a couple of hours the work will be on Youtube. But it seems that we did not have much desire of immortality, or did not consider how important it would be for us in the future some memories the past.
And yes, they are. I think that work is one of the things I'm most proud. Some may seem childish, but it is one of those events more or less banal sentimental value grows over time. Rafael Azcona, the best writer that has given the English film, claimed that the happiest moment of his life had been to write the text of a blockbuster movie, or receive a prize, he would never receive them. The moment of pride that most occurred one evening in Rome where, armed with a package of 500 pages, had begun to make paper airplanes then thrown against the U.S. Embassy . The climax came when, after spending 200 pages, one of them managed to fly over the building for 17 minutes. You see, the happiest moments need not be very sophisticated. In fact sometimes they are so insignificant in appearance that we forget record or photograph them and us and a gift for the future.

The 23-F was not the major event that marked our childhood. I think it was much more significant the World Naranjito, we inoculated a tragic sense of life-never such expectations were dashed more ridiculous then redeemed in part to 12-1 to Malta. It is normal, a child understands what a football championship, can collect the cards, watch the games, but it is difficult to understand what a coup: in fact most of us heard then that expression (stroke State) for the first time.
not understand why what was happening. That afternoon I have flashes, which I do not know if you remember or recall memory: My grandfather came home from school very worried, the radio played music Dácil military and my sister and I we went to bed with the impression that something serious was happening we could not understand or higher could not explain. We did not sleep until after King's speech, I remember my mother across the aisle, we were to be raised, he said: "Calm down, nothing happens." So we calmed without knowing exactly why even before we were nervous.
next day I went to school but we spent the day playing and chatting because almost everyone stayed home. I vaguely remember Miss Rosie, our guardian of that year, EGB-third of us in class tried to explain what had happened. Al final half understood and me I found very interesting from the point of view of history, not that I re-coup that I got to do a stage adaptation of that event. Yes, not to brag, but one of the first works of fiction based on the 23-F was written by a server in a sheet in front and behind.
With all useless objects that crowd in my home I find it incredible to have lost the script. I do not know, maybe you are somewhere, I have to go to Tenerife with time and a thorough search of the cupboards in search of treasure like that. Do not keep it, but I clearly remember what it was: a piece of paper that my mother spent a machine and then multiplied, I had not been invented Copier-stained with something that much and was called cliché. Don Dionisio, professor landmark of my childhood, recently rediscovered, which I so much and who will write soon on this blog , made a strong criticism of the work . On the first side of the road wrote "very sharp" and in the second, "very dull." Remember cast in the role of Alejandro Tejero (put a cocked hat I do not know where he got) civil guard was Gaby, Mariano Suarez and I of Felipe González. Panchi may be Fraga, but I can not confirm. There was not a girl in the cast: I must say that was not in the Congress.
The play was staged with great success, modesty aside, in our class and many other school and if I remember correctly, the day of prom. The pity is that there is a bloody picture of the event. I ever criticized how people today going around taking pictures and videos of anything and most do not find out what they are seeing. If today some children do a performance like that would record with 20 parents or mobile cameras and a couple of hours the work will be on Youtube. But it seems that we did not have much desire of immortality, or did not consider how important it would be for us in the future some memories the past.
And yes, they are. I think that work is one of the things I'm most proud. Some may seem childish, but it is one of those events more or less banal sentimental value grows over time. Rafael Azcona, the best writer that has given the English film, claimed that the happiest moment of his life had been to write the text of a blockbuster movie, or receive a prize, he would never receive them. The moment of pride that most occurred one evening in Rome where, armed with a package of 500 pages, had begun to make paper airplanes then thrown against the U.S. Embassy . The climax came when, after spending 200 pages, one of them managed to fly over the building for 17 minutes. You see, the happiest moments need not be very sophisticated. In fact sometimes they are so insignificant in appearance that we forget record or photograph them and us and a gift for the future.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Can You Eat The Daytrana Patch?
Jealousy are a normal emotional state, we have all felt at some time, but do not remember it. We were all children and childhood is from where we direct our research about envy and jealousy. Jealousy of the brothers, jealous before classmates jealous when your partner maintains some kind of relationship with someone of the opposite sex ...
is inevitable, if lacking in character or behavior of a person, we deduce that have undergone repression and play strong in unconscious mental life as important a role as if it were manifest. Now we find an explanation of those people who vehemently defend them, arguing that they have never been jealous when he tells us that psychoanalysis is a fundamental component of psychic life. The universality of the phenomenon must make us reflect and include them within normal constitution, regular psychic subject.
We can distinguish three cases or unusually intense degree of jealousy: Jealousy
Jealousy Jealousy projected delusional jealousy
on normal we can say that basically consist of sadness and pain for the purpose loved one who is believed lost, narcissistic offense we feel about the fact that we love it, want now to another person. Also consists of hostile feelings against the preferred rival and self criticism, as I want to do the responsible for the loss of love, something we have done or not done for our couples no longer want or wish us.
This jealousy is not fully rational, ie born of present circumstances in proportion to the real situation and dominated by the conscious self. Prove to have deep roots in the unconscious, perpetuating child affective impulses from the Oedipus complex or the complex fraternal sexual period.
In terms of work, this type of jealousy, is caused when two people get along very well, one of them is moved emotionally by a new person in place with respect to the other.
This can lead to the transformation of feelings of love in hateful, not only to the person generating jealousy, but also towards the partner with whom affection bound him, and that love and hate, they are still the heads and tails of the same coin. This hatred, which is hidden the great love he had for the person. No wonder we have the appearance of resentment towards the beloved companion can even lead to a feeling of vengeance, whose most common manifestation, is to boycott their work or disturb their relations with others.
projected born Jealousy in men as in women, the subject's own infidelity or impulse to commit them, but relegated, by repression, the unconscious. Those who deny experiencing temptations of infidelity in marriage, they feel such pressure, they often turn to an unconscious mechanism to alleviate it, projecting their own impulses to infidelity on the person to whom they should save. That is, they are very moralistic, as are those who, in fact unconscious desire to transgress the rules of marital fidelity.
Social customs have room on the desire to please a married woman and the desire to conquer the married man, hoping to lead and the inclination to infidelity and make it harmless. In the treatment of jealous individuals must avoid discussing the material in which support can only try to change its interpretation.
This type of jealousy, invades and disturbs many relations. Generally, it is easy to see on a person jealous peers or directives figures. There is a moral, ethical, religious adjoining it leads to not accept the existence of jealousy and envy less. Less favorable
delusional jealousy are also these trends stem from repressed infidels, but the objects are of a homosexual fantasy. Serve as an attempt to defend against a powerful impetus homosexual. In delusional jealousy of the other characters are types. The paranoid jealousy, recognizes an unfaithful spouse rather than their own, expanding gigantically the infidelity of his partner, get maintain his unconscious. The jealousy of the paranoid serve to reject their homosexuality.
jealous The first situation occurs in the Oedipus complex, when it appears the third, and my mother wants something beyond me: a man, a job, a poem, the world. Ie I'm not the only object of desire of my mother.
love is always a work and no jealousy without love, but it is the pathological jealousy of a love to be built without accepting the differences. The jealous recognizes the existence of another similar to something like, the envious wish that the other has not.
unlimited sexual freedom does not attempt to outperform the ban. The need Erotic psychic loses value as it becomes easy and comfortable satisfaction. For the libido reach a high level is necessary to oppose an obstacle. The psychological importance of a growing momentum to ban them.
The satisfaction is not possible in the nature of the sexual instinct there is something unfavorable to it.
Helena Trujillo Luque
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