I am currently doing a study on the sexuality of "Latinos / as. It is an anonymous survey, WITHOUT NAMES WITHOUT ANY INFORMATION FROM THE PEOPLE. I do this through a survey in English (not translated as legal matters). I need the collaboration of men and women of Latino / Hispanic adults, who can read English.
Thank you for your cooperation! Look for the questionnaire: where it says " SURVEY " or directly to: Aleida Heinz
Thursday, April 28, 2011
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To live without anxiety? Impossible.
Anxiety is the first reaction to the danger feared damage from outside, but there is anxiety, which we call neurotic anxiety, which shows as a reaction to something cryptic and inadequate. As we all know, d and an external danger can be escaped with the escape, but the internal dangers can not escape. can not live without anxiety because, as we are seeing is an adaptive mechanism necessary for life, but life is terrible and unjustified distress.
When we speak of a person in distress, we mean someone who does not know why you feel this way, does not control his discomfort and this will dominate. Anxiety is the only affection that does not deceive, it is pointless. Anxiety states "there is your desire." The anxiety is not caused by the loss of something but on the contrary, for filling, too full that pervades the subject. Anxiety signals the proximity of enjoyment.
phobia is a protection against anxiety. The symptoms are formed to prevent the development of anxiety. Given that the phobic interior trouble finds an outlet in the production of the phobic object, avoiding the subject avoids the appearance of anxiety.
The anguish of the phobia is conditional. Appears only to the perception of its object, because only then there is the danger. The phobic object is to make the enjoyment wall, is a significant that protects the subject's approach to desire. The true function of the phobia is to replace the object of distress caused by a significant fear.
The phobia is a specialist in any variations, the slightest change you into the trouble. Gradually limiting your life. Phobias can be very disabling for the experience: sometimes can not leave the house, can not work to earn their livelihood, so that is a total dependence economic. There is no direct relationship between fear and phobia in order to simply play a symbolic role to keep the anxiety at bay.
The neuroses in general, and phobias in particular, are made solitaire meanly, not this mean that those who get it are guilty, they were unaware that their fate was suffering from a phobia, just would not hear of another question .
Helena Trujillo Luque
To make an appointment contact in
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Milena Velba Under Age / aleidaheinz
friends! Haste Hello
Fan! Visit me at Facebook Page / aleidaheinz
is an interactive space, welcome questions, comments and feedbacks! Visit me also at for information and quotes!
If you want an appointment, please call
001-803.4151582 may also write to
Thanks! Aleida
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Where To Find My Quickbooks License Number
Music Minute: Kuhlau
I think that since I started this blog four years ago had never gone so long without writing. But you see, I have no excuse because I've been doing, at times, a great thing: what I felt like . And on top was supposed to be working. I have really wanted to tell this wonderful news because I sincerely believe that there will be people who interest you but it is very late. So I leave it for another day this week, and I can not roll back-and not look like a total bum, I offer this interpretation to the piano.
The conclusions are the same as ever: but not too much progress, and this is important, not forgetting what he had learned. Today's concert includes a classic theme, the second movement - cantabile - the second Friedrich Kuhlau Sonatina . There are some blunders, yet I give the pedal and I lose the rhythm. But on the positive side, residents have complained to me yet, only needed three shots to record the test and that afternoon it rained. See you soon.
I think that since I started this blog four years ago had never gone so long without writing. But you see, I have no excuse because I've been doing, at times, a great thing: what I felt like . And on top was supposed to be working. I have really wanted to tell this wonderful news because I sincerely believe that there will be people who interest you but it is very late. So I leave it for another day this week, and I can not roll back-and not look like a total bum, I offer this interpretation to the piano.
The conclusions are the same as ever: but not too much progress, and this is important, not forgetting what he had learned. Today's concert includes a classic theme, the second movement - cantabile - the second Friedrich Kuhlau Sonatina . There are some blunders, yet I give the pedal and I lose the rhythm. But on the positive side, residents have complained to me yet, only needed three shots to record the test and that afternoon it rained. See you soon.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Funny Silly Bar Sayings
COURSE: WOMEN OF THE CENTURY. A psychoanalytic approach. About jealousy
The course will be held in Madrid from May 23 to June 6, 10 to 13.00, the University Complutense (EMUI: Mediterranean University).

I attached the program, which is not great on the poster:
01 .-
01 .-
Women and Psychoanalysis: The female sexuality. Women's sexual repression and suppression of thought. Cultural sexual morality. Pleasure in women
02 .- Man frente al crecimiento de la mujer : El machismo como obstáculo. El techo de cristal. Lo femenino en el hombre.
03.- Igualdad y diferencia : Nociones de semejanza y diferencia. La diferencia como riqueza. Recorrido histórico por los distintos tipos de feminismo.
04.- La mujer. De la posición de objeto a la posición de sujeto : El amor cortés y su dama. El deseo en la mujer.
05.- Women reproduction to production : historical prejudices. Women and procreation. The position of women in the family. Women in the production chain.
06 .- Women and freedom : sexual freedom. Economic freedom. Freedom of thought.
07 .- Women and Work: Women, love and work. Women, Money and work. Unconscious sexism as an obstacle for women at work.
08 .- Women and Science: Research clinical teaching. Position of women. Science and feminine position.
09 .- creation Women: Women's writing as a possibility for feminist revolution. Women in literature. Women in film.
10 .- Women and Health: Gender and Medicine. Women, Health and Work.
The course fee is 300 euros (70 euros Scholarship! )
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Letter Of Intention To Sell A Car
I invite you to explore my new site, I hope you enjoy it and find it useful!
Aleida Heinz
I invite you to explore my new site, I hope you enjoy it and find it useful!
Aleida Heinz
Friday, April 1, 2011
Stores Willing To Donate To Schools
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Programming A Hyundai Remote
Even in this century XXI ", sexual rights are not known. The conservative position even condemns the sexual expression and even sees sex as something "evil" or "evil" ... There is still a strong prejudice against sexuality and its research. Although there is fear and false beliefs after hundreds of years of scientific evidence about the sexual health benefits .....
It requires a positive attitude to sexuality, non-judgmental, no taboos, no fears. It requires people with open minds and not narrow and genuinely interested in sexual health, sexual rights, sex education, and sexuality in general ..... The education and sexual knowledge may prevent alcohol and drug abuse, prevent violence, crimes of passion, and divorce in many cases ...
scientific studies are required and data on the practices, attitudes, beliefs and sexual behavior of different cultures. Latin American sexuality is not known with accuracy. Be both taboo and prejudice we Latin Americans do not exist as sexually healthy people for the world? Sera will be recognized as an infinitely sexually ignorant and sexist people ?....
THANKS to all who believe in freedom and healthy and responsible sexual expression, which contribute to scientific research on sexuality for the benefit of all
us as sexual beings we are, from birth until our death .... Aleida
Even in this century XXI ", sexual rights are not known. The conservative position even condemns the sexual expression and even sees sex as something "evil" or "evil" ... There is still a strong prejudice against sexuality and its research. Although there is fear and false beliefs after hundreds of years of scientific evidence about the sexual health benefits .....
It requires a positive attitude to sexuality, non-judgmental, no taboos, no fears. It requires people with open minds and not narrow and genuinely interested in sexual health, sexual rights, sex education, and sexuality in general ..... The education and sexual knowledge may prevent alcohol and drug abuse, prevent violence, crimes of passion, and divorce in many cases ...
scientific studies are required and data on the practices, attitudes, beliefs and sexual behavior of different cultures. Latin American sexuality is not known with accuracy. Be both taboo and prejudice we Latin Americans do not exist as sexually healthy people for the world? Sera will be recognized as an infinitely sexually ignorant and sexist people ?....
THANKS to all who believe in freedom and healthy and responsible sexual expression, which contribute to scientific research on sexuality for the benefit of all
us as sexual beings we are, from birth until our death .... Aleida
Friday, March 11, 2011
What To Do For A Going Away For Military
Heinz Hi everybody!
I'm doing a survey (questionnaire) of The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, taken by thousands of people in the world for scientific purposes for studies on human sexuality.
is designed by the Institute to study sexuality. We are currently studying the Latino / Hispanic, married / as.
is ANONYMOUS, CONFIDENTIAL , and you only need the analysis of the results of a population of Latino / Hispanic married and his sexuality. POST NO NAMES OR DATA FOR ONLY SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ON SEXUALITY .-
Just enter the next WEB answer (YOU KNOW ENGLISH) and sends (DONE). Very simple and will take 20 minutes to complete. All!! AND THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING.
Clinical Sexologist Heinz PhD candidate
Heinz Hi everybody!
I'm doing a survey (questionnaire) of The Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco, taken by thousands of people in the world for scientific purposes for studies on human sexuality.
is designed by the Institute to study sexuality. We are currently studying the Latino / Hispanic, married / as.
is ANONYMOUS, CONFIDENTIAL , and you only need the analysis of the results of a population of Latino / Hispanic married and his sexuality. POST NO NAMES OR DATA FOR ONLY SCIENTIFIC STUDIES ON SEXUALITY .-
Just enter the next WEB answer (YOU KNOW ENGLISH) and sends (DONE). Very simple and will take 20 minutes to complete. All!! AND THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING.
Clinical Sexologist Heinz PhD candidate
Friday, March 4, 2011
What Does Jimi Hendrix Wear On His Head
Our 23-F
I have spent almost a month without writing and return to blog with a post should have written 11 days ago, so sorry you neglect. Today I will talk about the 23-F, that is, the coup of February 23, 1981, which have completed 30 years. And since I'm a nostalgic type who likes to delve into memory and even if you do not give a damn I'll tell you what I remember of that day , now that it has become fashionable to talk about where we were when we spent a historical event (the Super Eskup Jacinto Anton). I know I'm not Carrillo, nor was doing national service in Valencia and my father was a Socialist councilor and had to cross the border but still one of my generation feels and even found it funny.
The 23-F was not the major event that marked our childhood. I think it was much more significant the World Naranjito, we inoculated a tragic sense of life-never such expectations were dashed more ridiculous then redeemed in part to 12-1 to Malta. It is normal, a child understands what a football championship, can collect the cards, watch the games, but it is difficult to understand what a coup: in fact most of us heard then that expression (stroke State) for the first time.
not understand why what was happening. That afternoon I have flashes, which I do not know if you remember or recall memory: My grandfather came home from school very worried, the radio played music Dácil military and my sister and I we went to bed with the impression that something serious was happening we could not understand or higher could not explain. We did not sleep until after King's speech, I remember my mother across the aisle, we were to be raised, he said: "Calm down, nothing happens." So we calmed without knowing exactly why even before we were nervous.
next day I went to school but we spent the day playing and chatting because almost everyone stayed home. I vaguely remember Miss Rosie, our guardian of that year, EGB-third of us in class tried to explain what had happened. Al final half understood and me I found very interesting from the point of view of history, not that I re-coup that I got to do a stage adaptation of that event. Yes, not to brag, but one of the first works of fiction based on the 23-F was written by a server in a sheet in front and behind.
With all useless objects that crowd in my home I find it incredible to have lost the script. I do not know, maybe you are somewhere, I have to go to Tenerife with time and a thorough search of the cupboards in search of treasure like that. Do not keep it, but I clearly remember what it was: a piece of paper that my mother spent a machine and then multiplied, I had not been invented Copier-stained with something that much and was called cliché. Don Dionisio, professor landmark of my childhood, recently rediscovered, which I so much and who will write soon on this blog , made a strong criticism of the work . On the first side of the road wrote "very sharp" and in the second, "very dull." Remember cast in the role of Alejandro Tejero (put a cocked hat I do not know where he got) civil guard was Gaby, Mariano Suarez and I of Felipe González. Panchi may be Fraga, but I can not confirm. There was not a girl in the cast: I must say that was not in the Congress.
The play was staged with great success, modesty aside, in our class and many other school and if I remember correctly, the day of prom. The pity is that there is a bloody picture of the event. I ever criticized how people today going around taking pictures and videos of anything and most do not find out what they are seeing. If today some children do a performance like that would record with 20 parents or mobile cameras and a couple of hours the work will be on Youtube. But it seems that we did not have much desire of immortality, or did not consider how important it would be for us in the future some memories the past.
And yes, they are. I think that work is one of the things I'm most proud. Some may seem childish, but it is one of those events more or less banal sentimental value grows over time. Rafael Azcona, the best writer that has given the English film, claimed that the happiest moment of his life had been to write the text of a blockbuster movie, or receive a prize, he would never receive them. The moment of pride that most occurred one evening in Rome where, armed with a package of 500 pages, had begun to make paper airplanes then thrown against the U.S. Embassy . The climax came when, after spending 200 pages, one of them managed to fly over the building for 17 minutes. You see, the happiest moments need not be very sophisticated. In fact sometimes they are so insignificant in appearance that we forget record or photograph them and us and a gift for the future.

The 23-F was not the major event that marked our childhood. I think it was much more significant the World Naranjito, we inoculated a tragic sense of life-never such expectations were dashed more ridiculous then redeemed in part to 12-1 to Malta. It is normal, a child understands what a football championship, can collect the cards, watch the games, but it is difficult to understand what a coup: in fact most of us heard then that expression (stroke State) for the first time.
not understand why what was happening. That afternoon I have flashes, which I do not know if you remember or recall memory: My grandfather came home from school very worried, the radio played music Dácil military and my sister and I we went to bed with the impression that something serious was happening we could not understand or higher could not explain. We did not sleep until after King's speech, I remember my mother across the aisle, we were to be raised, he said: "Calm down, nothing happens." So we calmed without knowing exactly why even before we were nervous.
next day I went to school but we spent the day playing and chatting because almost everyone stayed home. I vaguely remember Miss Rosie, our guardian of that year, EGB-third of us in class tried to explain what had happened. Al final half understood and me I found very interesting from the point of view of history, not that I re-coup that I got to do a stage adaptation of that event. Yes, not to brag, but one of the first works of fiction based on the 23-F was written by a server in a sheet in front and behind.
With all useless objects that crowd in my home I find it incredible to have lost the script. I do not know, maybe you are somewhere, I have to go to Tenerife with time and a thorough search of the cupboards in search of treasure like that. Do not keep it, but I clearly remember what it was: a piece of paper that my mother spent a machine and then multiplied, I had not been invented Copier-stained with something that much and was called cliché. Don Dionisio, professor landmark of my childhood, recently rediscovered, which I so much and who will write soon on this blog , made a strong criticism of the work . On the first side of the road wrote "very sharp" and in the second, "very dull." Remember cast in the role of Alejandro Tejero (put a cocked hat I do not know where he got) civil guard was Gaby, Mariano Suarez and I of Felipe González. Panchi may be Fraga, but I can not confirm. There was not a girl in the cast: I must say that was not in the Congress.
The play was staged with great success, modesty aside, in our class and many other school and if I remember correctly, the day of prom. The pity is that there is a bloody picture of the event. I ever criticized how people today going around taking pictures and videos of anything and most do not find out what they are seeing. If today some children do a performance like that would record with 20 parents or mobile cameras and a couple of hours the work will be on Youtube. But it seems that we did not have much desire of immortality, or did not consider how important it would be for us in the future some memories the past.
And yes, they are. I think that work is one of the things I'm most proud. Some may seem childish, but it is one of those events more or less banal sentimental value grows over time. Rafael Azcona, the best writer that has given the English film, claimed that the happiest moment of his life had been to write the text of a blockbuster movie, or receive a prize, he would never receive them. The moment of pride that most occurred one evening in Rome where, armed with a package of 500 pages, had begun to make paper airplanes then thrown against the U.S. Embassy . The climax came when, after spending 200 pages, one of them managed to fly over the building for 17 minutes. You see, the happiest moments need not be very sophisticated. In fact sometimes they are so insignificant in appearance that we forget record or photograph them and us and a gift for the future.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Can You Eat The Daytrana Patch?
Jealousy are a normal emotional state, we have all felt at some time, but do not remember it. We were all children and childhood is from where we direct our research about envy and jealousy. Jealousy of the brothers, jealous before classmates jealous when your partner maintains some kind of relationship with someone of the opposite sex ...
is inevitable, if lacking in character or behavior of a person, we deduce that have undergone repression and play strong in unconscious mental life as important a role as if it were manifest. Now we find an explanation of those people who vehemently defend them, arguing that they have never been jealous when he tells us that psychoanalysis is a fundamental component of psychic life. The universality of the phenomenon must make us reflect and include them within normal constitution, regular psychic subject.
We can distinguish three cases or unusually intense degree of jealousy: Jealousy
Jealousy Jealousy projected delusional jealousy
on normal we can say that basically consist of sadness and pain for the purpose loved one who is believed lost, narcissistic offense we feel about the fact that we love it, want now to another person. Also consists of hostile feelings against the preferred rival and self criticism, as I want to do the responsible for the loss of love, something we have done or not done for our couples no longer want or wish us.
This jealousy is not fully rational, ie born of present circumstances in proportion to the real situation and dominated by the conscious self. Prove to have deep roots in the unconscious, perpetuating child affective impulses from the Oedipus complex or the complex fraternal sexual period.
In terms of work, this type of jealousy, is caused when two people get along very well, one of them is moved emotionally by a new person in place with respect to the other.
This can lead to the transformation of feelings of love in hateful, not only to the person generating jealousy, but also towards the partner with whom affection bound him, and that love and hate, they are still the heads and tails of the same coin. This hatred, which is hidden the great love he had for the person. No wonder we have the appearance of resentment towards the beloved companion can even lead to a feeling of vengeance, whose most common manifestation, is to boycott their work or disturb their relations with others.
projected born Jealousy in men as in women, the subject's own infidelity or impulse to commit them, but relegated, by repression, the unconscious. Those who deny experiencing temptations of infidelity in marriage, they feel such pressure, they often turn to an unconscious mechanism to alleviate it, projecting their own impulses to infidelity on the person to whom they should save. That is, they are very moralistic, as are those who, in fact unconscious desire to transgress the rules of marital fidelity.
Social customs have room on the desire to please a married woman and the desire to conquer the married man, hoping to lead and the inclination to infidelity and make it harmless. In the treatment of jealous individuals must avoid discussing the material in which support can only try to change its interpretation.
This type of jealousy, invades and disturbs many relations. Generally, it is easy to see on a person jealous peers or directives figures. There is a moral, ethical, religious adjoining it leads to not accept the existence of jealousy and envy less. Less favorable
delusional jealousy are also these trends stem from repressed infidels, but the objects are of a homosexual fantasy. Serve as an attempt to defend against a powerful impetus homosexual. In delusional jealousy of the other characters are types. The paranoid jealousy, recognizes an unfaithful spouse rather than their own, expanding gigantically the infidelity of his partner, get maintain his unconscious. The jealousy of the paranoid serve to reject their homosexuality.
jealous The first situation occurs in the Oedipus complex, when it appears the third, and my mother wants something beyond me: a man, a job, a poem, the world. Ie I'm not the only object of desire of my mother.
love is always a work and no jealousy without love, but it is the pathological jealousy of a love to be built without accepting the differences. The jealous recognizes the existence of another similar to something like, the envious wish that the other has not.
unlimited sexual freedom does not attempt to outperform the ban. The need Erotic psychic loses value as it becomes easy and comfortable satisfaction. For the libido reach a high level is necessary to oppose an obstacle. The psychological importance of a growing momentum to ban them.
The satisfaction is not possible in the nature of the sexual instinct there is something unfavorable to it.
Helena Trujillo Luque
Monday, February 21, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
La Quinta Brazilian Waxing
New blog on the documentary in Inglés
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
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is becoming more difficult to deal with coexistence and easier to eliminate. Living is the real test, which shows if you really love us and respect us. We have spent almost eternal relationship in which the separation was against the dominant morality, to others where they take the easy way to end the relationship and start a new separate ways. Nobody holds anyone.
There is no ideal situation generalizable. Each of us must chart its own path, no two people are alike, but what is certain is that if we educate us better, our human relations could be different.
remember one of the congresses of Psychoanalysis I've attended that talked end of the century disease is intolerance towards people. Psychoanalysis has revealed the narcissism of relationships, we look at the other, that is, we like other things that remind us of ourselves. Seems to love the other is complex which is different from ourselves. True love is defined just that, to tolerate what the other is different. Love is love at the differences. "
The romantic love that many people still aspire, offers an ideal and inevitably condemned to failure who pursues him. It is a kind of love that corresponds to the period of infatuation, of idealization, where everything seems perfect and where it is felt that the world revolves around the couple. We know that this period is transitory, it should be, because the lover away from reality.
Many times, love the other means, precisely, to break the relationship. This prevents many serious situations that can lead to abuse. Things done on time is a criterion of health. We must not understand then, that any breakup is a failure, nothing is eternal. Every order is a new beginning. If we learn from the experience and look to the future with optimism we learn something of love, because love is not a single person, but love life, love, grow, learn, work.
Together or separately, must not forget that a couple are two people with different psyches. This is the first step for a living or a more civilized separation. Nobody belongs to us, not even the children.
Helena Trujillo Luque
marriage counselor - Psychoanalyst
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Some interesting questions about marriage. ONLINE PSYCHOANALYSIS
- "And you do not you married yet?
And Emily asked her:
- do you never read the newspapers?
"Yes, how much? Master said laughing and then as falling of mind: You do not know whether I shall stay in Madrid, but to stay and live, change my life completely current.
And as the Master was silent, Emily reminded him: "I did
a question.
- What question? Master said.
And Emily, who was eager to answer the question, ask it again:
"I wonder why I'm not married yet.
"Yes, yes, said the Master, why do not you married yet? "Because usually
marriages in Spain are, dear Master," said Emily almost selemnidad, dodne relations man is a son of a bitch and a mad woman.
"Well no big deal," said the Master.
- you let me develop?, Asked Emily.
"Yes, yes, granted the Master.
She says:
"This is like a nest of vipers.
He says
"She's like a viper in the nest.
both laugh like idiots while they think evil, madness, she says,
I do not want to live like a whore.
are two idiots, but he still dominates. It shows a little money and she gives up.
"My love, my love, tell her you understand my love, suck my tits, lover. Bury me, the agony of all your love, come to free you from your wickedness.
He is furious as he understands nothing, beats her. It gives a beating that left her squint of an eye. Police abuses
still a little more to battered women, making lewd questions and gives him the man 250,000 pesetas.
He repents and wants to suck pussy, as if that were a gift.
She spits, frankly in the face and now he beats her with a whip while yelling: Crazy, crazy shit.
She, dying in a hospital bed either, come to murmur:
"Son of a bitch, motherfucker. The social
police chases the poor woman to the hospital, and continue to torture the poor woman dying with indecent questions.
She remembers a phrase, a few days ago, in the mouth of a holiday older man, someone like you, stressed Emily, and decides to live.
afresh all over again. Living a new life.
He pursues her, finds out the police where he lives, and burns her small house she could build with their own hands, your money, your job.
The fire burned the house and a little face. He saw her disfigured repents and gives the 250,000 pesetas from the police to the village church.
The priest in the confessional insulting to women, because this when discussing her husband says, "That son of a bitch."
forbids the priest to pray Hail Marys, lets just pray the Our Father.
She then gets excited thinking about freedom.
Man gets beaten up by police for having given the 250,000 pesetas to the priest of the Church, and you're stuck for now the money will be spent healing with women, their nuns.
She heals the wounds and suffering a bit with the pain ...
He once healed, breaks her ass, but no class, no class and is going to get drunk with the priest and the police. She
, sore, becomes a member of Mujeres Unidas y leaves the classical heterosexuality.
him, from the beginning had a preference for co-workers, the priest and the police, is classically homosexual.
despises women, because it assumes that her mother and therefore has enjoyed hits. She lets
despise, because it assumes that her mother has enjoyed and so gracefully receive any punishment. None
of the two knows nothing of love.
are like two animals in the jungle, but not other animals, including two by themselves, poor, homeless, without desire.
"So I was not the case, Emily finished.
-understood, "said the Master. I give the conference tomorrow at seven in the afternoon and at twelve o'clock I want to get a ticket in preference to Buenos Aires.
the book: Sex Love, Miguel Oscar Menassa. Edt. Zero Group
Monday, February 14, 2011
How To Make My Nails Grow Fast
Have you thought about starting your own psychoanalysis?
Is time or your condition is not allow you to navigate to the query of the psychoanalyst?
Many people delay the start of his psychoanalytic treatment for reasons of time or money, do not know any professional, wary of the effectiveness of treatment or just need that nudge to encourage them to improve their quality of life.
There is still a lack of knowledge about the applications of psychoanalysis in the health of people. Yet many people believe that we must be sick to begin a psychoanalytic treatment, which must be nuts ... Away from all the prejudices, the fact is that it is increasingly common medical visits a psychoanalyst to see issues labor and education, to solve normal inhibitions of everyday life, of course in addition to more serious diseases such as depression, obsessive disorders, phobias, etc.
The effects are felt from the first session. Just dare to begin.
Now you can start your analysis online or by phone.
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Sunday, February 6, 2011
Stroke Victims Word Board

yes, but not just anything. The year is packed with dates when required to do so, and sometimes birthday saint, the Kings and now Santa Claus, Valentine's Day (horror!), Father's day, mother, grandparents, the friend (here begins to take place, I was going to ruin with the 525 I have in Facebook) and I guess even the consuegro. Legend has extended all those days the English invented the Court but in countries where the company operates more colorful festivities commemorating. This schedule Argentinean totally bored of "memorable dates, intend to hold for example the day of the copywriter (15 February), the health visitor (26 May), the Culinary Workers (Aug. 2), animal (April 26) or mother (should be on February 29 but is 26 October).
mean, we spent the year giving out of obligation and in the end that causes us to buy things just because we receive packages or absurd acquired five minutes before to get along. But the spirit must be different. To me I can go buy a present for my sister for her birthday but three months later, apropos of nothing, find something, an object, she says, like looking into my eyes: "I am a great for Bea." Of course, I buy it, or to mentally file they wait for one of those dates the day of compadre or stepmother in meaningful gift-journalistic slang would say, that has "perch" to do so. Perceiving that we find a gift for someone exact is a wonderful feeling because supposed to have made the effort to get into your skin -empathize-and feeling inside that skin the care that we have. And although mistake or the result is not as round, at least gifted notice that we tried.
Like everyone else, for the rush and commitments do not always find the suitable object, most of the time I have to settle for a merely adequate and sometimes buy anything, I will not go now exquisite. But I am particularly proud of a gift I made a few months ago a colleague work deranged fan of Diego Forlan. I bought the memories of the Uruguayan player "whose cover appears wearing the chocolate bar that is actually what my friend most interested in the individual-and asked a colleague to cover the Atletico Madrid to take him to sign . But anyone with a dedication, if not one that included the word "tenacious", an expression that my colleague, of Venezuelan origin, keeps repeating in the workplace. The point is that the book might not be for his birthday but insisting the player got a little exactly what I wanted. The book was signed with the following: "For Maria Jose, my most persistent admirer. Diego Forlan." I do not think my friends would care to arrive three months late.
I put all this stuff because the other day I received a gift so perfect I would have liked it to me . I sent him a friend and when I removed the package let out a huge laugh but I do not usually laugh noisily. Because the content was "very me", "very me", or seemed chosen by someone who had gotten into my head to choose exactly something I touched a chord emotional and very personal. The gift is shown machanguito in the photo at left, a click of Playmobil, an icon of our childhood, given to the piano, a passion to which I tried to sit up with difficulty higher. A doll a bit different hazard, draculescos air with its tail on the instrument sounding tunes and two candlestick, but loving, that when he left I smiled knowing that he had gone to the right hands.
Well, you know: not ever feel obligated to give me anything . But if they find an ideal object for me and want to buy it, steal it or make it, do it please. I was born on December 4, my saint is on August 20, celebrated Christmas and Epiphany, I am the son, brother, nephew, cousin, friend, brother, journalist, teacher, musician apprentice footballer in my spare time, piano-bar singer, blogger , twiteros , facebookers , Chicharrero of Teruel, Bureba Bust of Real Madrid. .. sure and found hundreds of dates a year as an excuse to me that they have encountered and that seems so appropriate. And I'll do the same with you.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Menstruation Pain Sensitive
Oops I messed
I messed up, how many times we will have that! He said something to the wrong person, you went from enthusiastic and you end up repenting. Many times we make "mistakes" by ignoring the customs or implicit rules in certain relations. Until it happens the first time you can not know what that person thinks, if reserved, if not, if you get along with so and so or not. People do not come with a manual underarm and we are all very different.
is common, for certain naivete or awkwardness in relationships, wanting to unite in a single session to several people, then you realize that no or glue stick or do not want to share this new context. Desire to have a good time does not let you see that not everyone is equal, there's jealousy, envy, social classes, traffic information, what people think ... How complicated it seems to be right with everyone. If you just go with what you want, you may be another upset. If you act according to established rules just because it becomes uncomfortable feeling an obligation to something that started in a spontaneous way. We can not live forever giving turns coconut, calculating each step we take. We can not know beforehand what you expect the other and if you sit well. After acting is when we evaluate the results and this often has its price.
not always a pardon, an apology for our stupidity or ignorance is welcome. There are people who do not pass either one and if you are not of them are against them. We really should be more tolerant, allowing people to leave knowing. Over time, with experiences just knowing each other and knowing what to give to everyone.
Psychoanalyst Helen Trujillo
Friday, January 28, 2011
Men Pissing Themselves Blog
Friday morning, reflections of a psychoanalyst.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Today the day started with an unstoppable force. A figure, a great man, it reminds me that we need leaders with charisma and ideals. Tierno Galván, you still remember those who have not met you. The minutes will occur between the piano music. I read the newspaper accounts, the tasks left half done in the desktop computer and get email. One soon leaves me concerned for a few hours. I realize that it is neither for the content thereof, or by the sender. It is my place, the vicissitudes of the relationship, the transfer.
I spoke too, was funny, aggressive, loving, educated, ironic. Why it happened so why should now be a pause, another listener. One does not choose how to be in front of each one, just know later, when the other asks why she's always making jokes, why I say these things, why not say anything. Personality? "Madness? No. What has to happen happens, do not shove him to follow or leave. I am willing to be his analyst, if you need to be, a loving mother, the authority of a father who did not, that you expect to arrive or depart and leave you gives you the world.
I wanted to answer all your questions, she wanted to give him reason, he cured of what has no cure, human, bear the uncertainty, not knowing what will happen until later. Psychoanalyze an adventure for the patient, the psychoanalyst work. An impossible task to be performed on a cross of desires, words.
Psychoanalyst Helen Trujillo
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Molested On Train Or Bus
not carry either a rupture
"hate men"
"They are so treacherous, unfaithful by nature, you dupe and then let you roll the first opportunity. " How many times have we heard this, women resent a bad experience sentimental or simply prejudiced against the opposite sex. We tend to generalize occasionally, but the truth as such, when it comes to human beings do not exist.
why a woman might say she hates men?; Can be so negative a broken heart to put an end to any chance of falling in love?; Are all men equal? , why put the hopes of happiness in them?, "perhaps are we have to provide everything?, what if a relationship goes wrong, they must all go wrong?
When it comes to love between men and women there are many preconceived ideas, each has different expectations do not always agree with reality. Men and women do not have the same needs, nor how to meet it. What could be complementary, we often want to be identical, which is impossible. Most misunderstandings arise because we do not accept the reality of love relationships do not differ much from other human relationships. Must prevail respect, education, the right to privacy, their own tastes. Honestly, we can all recognize that couples most of these things is not respected. There is a tendency to think that intimacy is deceiving the other, that if these individual projects will undermine the relationship, trust is shown to the other such that one is, that is, with all faults. It is the beginning of the end.
As we discuss theoretically a certain contempt for the feminine in men, either through ignorance of our own nature or because they often only have been the subject and not subject of desire in many women also nests hostility toward men we see in many feminist attitudes. Many women attributed to male life easier and more affordable, as if to them the bread and the recognition they fall from the sky without any previous work. We must recognize that if the man has achieved some social standing has had to spend hours of work, money and sacrifice many loving moments and entertainment. However, if we reach a position equivalent to that of many men we must take a path equivalent, not equal, because it repeats what ever made it out.
They have to leave the house mother to win a new and unknown world, also love and prefer to stay in the arms of his lover, they also leave the children with pain to go to work. His world will have to do with their own hands and, often, built in the world of women with whom they share life. Do we recognize the generosity of women that many men have had with us? We talked about the domestic work of the hard work of parenting, but worth is to recognize that they also do something for family. Maybe some other things we have to learn the world of women and men's world, perhaps no better half, but half-lives and what we should hope for is to be two oranges, have full lives.
When we make love the center of all things, we ignore that, as Freud said in his text "Civilization and Its Discontents": so we are never at the mercy of suffering as when we love, we are never so helplessly unhappy as when we lost the beloved object of his love. I would say that is the basis of the resentment of many people when, after a breakup, say not ever again want to try this medicine. If you wait for the love we generate the happiness that we have to get the job, social relations, social projects, not only do we lose love, but, we are deeply disappointed. S i do not project our future, we can not be happy. Happiness is the realization of a work together between two or more people. And if there is no happiness. The resentment and hatred can not be good companions in life, we must recognize his own mistakes committed in the relationship, we have some responsibility in this failure and be open to new people, not because it is necessary to have a partner for life, but if necessary love others to live. Living together is not advice, it is the only way to live .
Helena Trujillo
Zero Group Psychoanalyst
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Plasma Services Triad Nc
The pleasure of giving a character actor gay life
I debuted as an actor. I do not think I will give the Goya for now but I'm pretty proud of it. You see, wanted shoot a commercial to promote the newspaper -that comes out when pricked up there, and chose actors among journalists. My sisters, I want the ball or make me say that I chose for looking and let them become illusion. But the truth is I have good contacts in marketing, where did the casting. In the hall gave me a golden advice: do not matter so much that you take good or bad with the director but I always a friend of the door and the kitchen. So I've done everywhere, even in the newspaper. But here I added a third partner needed: marketing people, a department full of wonderful people as well. And he has served: to be released before the camera under the direction of Nacho Vigalondo, the type of pajamas on the spot , who has been nominated for an Oscar with a short .
People who have made successful career in film roles have started with not much more lucid. Notice in the video below the first role-with-phrase Harrison Ford in a movie of 1966 in Spain was called Thief and Lover. My "will be a press conference" has nothing to envy your hammering asking for Mr. Ellis. What we do recognize is that, apart from good actor, he perhaps it was caught by handsome.
I have no great artistic talent, although I do like small make plays. But as writer and director than as actor. In 1981, 30 years ago, I made at school representation on the coup of 23-F. I lost the script, my mother multiplied with that of the cliché, because there were no photocopiers, but I remember it was a single sheet. Don Dionisio On one side, then our teacher, who promise to talk soon, wrote "very acute". And another: "Very blunt." I was Felipe Gonzalez and, modesty aside, the play was a great success: several classes are always represented in applause. Small works also rode with my sisters and everyone who caught clueless to amuse the visitors who came home. The result was that shortly after my parents were hardly any social life. Nor does it matter much, they are people of gentle manners.
Three decades later I returned to enjoy this mini paper. Could say that I am very ashamed, which is true, I have not seen more than once, "I do fatal-that-I do not think that was a trap ... but to you I can not lie. 'm so proud that my mother can see me on TV and show off to my 521 Facebook friends, the day that makes clean-will find out from my three seconds of fame. The only thing I like about this ad that I rode to think that there are plenty of actors and actresses in the strike, seeking life, killing for working in roles as simple as they have given me. I mean it seems to me a scam usurp a job that is not mine, for which I am not ready and that is much harder to do than it seems.
To them I apologize for my intrusion. And viewers who have seen me also I apologize for sneak into her house unannounced. The next time I promise to knock on the door.
I debuted as an actor. I do not think I will give the Goya for now but I'm pretty proud of it. You see, wanted shoot a commercial to promote the newspaper -that comes out when pricked up there, and chose actors among journalists. My sisters, I want the ball or make me say that I chose for looking and let them become illusion. But the truth is I have good contacts in marketing, where did the casting. In the hall gave me a golden advice: do not matter so much that you take good or bad with the director but I always a friend of the door and the kitchen. So I've done everywhere, even in the newspaper. But here I added a third partner needed: marketing people, a department full of wonderful people as well. And he has served: to be released before the camera under the direction of Nacho Vigalondo, the type of pajamas on the spot , who has been nominated for an Oscar with a short .
People who have made successful career in film roles have started with not much more lucid. Notice in the video below the first role-with-phrase Harrison Ford in a movie of 1966 in Spain was called Thief and Lover. My "will be a press conference" has nothing to envy your hammering asking for Mr. Ellis. What we do recognize is that, apart from good actor, he perhaps it was caught by handsome.
I have no great artistic talent, although I do like small make plays. But as writer and director than as actor. In 1981, 30 years ago, I made at school representation on the coup of 23-F. I lost the script, my mother multiplied with that of the cliché, because there were no photocopiers, but I remember it was a single sheet. Don Dionisio On one side, then our teacher, who promise to talk soon, wrote "very acute". And another: "Very blunt." I was Felipe Gonzalez and, modesty aside, the play was a great success: several classes are always represented in applause. Small works also rode with my sisters and everyone who caught clueless to amuse the visitors who came home. The result was that shortly after my parents were hardly any social life. Nor does it matter much, they are people of gentle manners.
Three decades later I returned to enjoy this mini paper. Could say that I am very ashamed, which is true, I have not seen more than once, "I do fatal-that-I do not think that was a trap ... but to you I can not lie. 'm so proud that my mother can see me on TV and show off to my 521 Facebook friends, the day that makes clean-will find out from my three seconds of fame. The only thing I like about this ad that I rode to think that there are plenty of actors and actresses in the strike, seeking life, killing for working in roles as simple as they have given me. I mean it seems to me a scam usurp a job that is not mine, for which I am not ready and that is much harder to do than it seems.
To them I apologize for my intrusion. And viewers who have seen me also I apologize for sneak into her house unannounced. The next time I promise to knock on the door.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Laser Surgery Occular Hypertension
Helena Trujillo, psychoanalyst
Monday, January 17, 2011
Chance Of Emphysema Develop Lung Cancer

One of my New Year's resolutions was write more on this blog . Like all other purposes, I'm not fulfilling, but today I'll make an exception. I know I promised a post Varanasi on for three months but have to wait. Because I'm going to talk about a site closest to a house that is on the streets of Alcala in Madrid, and a sign that is at the door.
say that you live in the Calle de Alcala is not to say anything because the road-the old road to Alcala de Henares has 800 numbers from the mansion that forms the corner with Gran Via Spain's most expensive city to past low houses linear tinker with the demolition. In one of these vivendas modest, near metro Suanzes, found this sign on the door . It does not look very good, top bar poque always a piece, but says something like: "Here, women no longer live a happy life. Here is a family and having a respect."
I imagine, by the anger that passes the sign that this family will have had to endure more than a night owl drunk banging the door in search of a brothel . Understandably, therefore, the mosqueo. I do not understand, much as commonly used, the expression "women of gay life." Or rather, I understand but let me think.
centuries women have been conditional on the man until the last century there was, in part, and only in some parts of the world, a liberation of women, without a doubt the great sociological phenomenon of the past decades and one of the most important in history because of age brought half of the population. Until then women had a life much more harder than the men. We idealized but no girl current bear more than a week, her grandmother's life , except to talk about a great-granddaughter of the Duchess of Alba.
Then, perhaps with a touch of envy masquerading as morality and blended with pardonable ignorance was understood that someone spoke of these "women of gay life." But today we know that now and yesteryear, few women have generally had a sad life that referred to the cartel. "Women of gay life? I wish they were all in the literal sense. And men of gay life and children of gay life ... I do not know, maybe the sign been there since the nineteenth century.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Best Way To Ship A Desk
Women Happy 2011 Miracle in Milan
A fragment of the Radetzky March to welcome year. For me 2010 has been great but I find many people around me who feel the same. So I wish a 2011 as happy as it was for me the year ending.
Among my New Year's purposes is to take seriously the music and practice a lot more. I'll get it. In 2010 I showed that I have a strong willpower : I stopped biting my nails overnight after thirty years of service. So what the piano is serious. Sorry for the neighbors.
A fragment of the Radetzky March to welcome year. For me 2010 has been great but I find many people around me who feel the same. So I wish a 2011 as happy as it was for me the year ending.
Among my New Year's purposes is to take seriously the music and practice a lot more. I'll get it. In 2010 I showed that I have a strong willpower : I stopped biting my nails overnight after thirty years of service. So what the piano is serious. Sorry for the neighbors.
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