Saturday, August 8, 2009

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Titles subject to approval

Title is the official document certifying full completion of a series of official studies, including where the probationary period required for collection, issued by the competent authority in accordance with the laws of the State whose system these studies belong education.
The recognition of foreign higher education is a recognition of the equivalence of foreign qualifications for a particular current English official title valid throughout the country. Implies recognition of the degree concerned, and involves the recognition professional effects inherent in the English title in question. Titles

subject to approval

foreign titles to be approved must meet the following requirements:

-Treating certificates issued by a university or institution of higher education abroad.

"The center of the title should be issuing official or duly authorized under the laws, regulations or administrative provisions of respective State.

"If the studies have been made entirely or partially in a foreign center located in Spain, the center should be duly authorized to conduct such studies by the competent English Education Authority, in accordance with Royal Decree 557/1991 of 12 April on the establishment and recognition of universities and colleges.

-titles should have obtained official recognition in the country's education system to which they relate. Is deemed to have an official academic titles awarded foreign higher education degrees members of a particular educational system and recognized as equivalent to those by the competent authorities of the country concerned.

-The title should endorse some studies actually completed under the system of the country that issues it. It is not acceptable, for purposes of approval in Spain, a foreign degree obtained by approval, validation or recognition of other evidence obtained in a third country or diplomas obtained by testing, without having studied.

-equivalence must be sufficient to reference the English title in both the academic level to which it belongs, and the duration and content of the required studies.

"The approval has obtained with reference to a English university degree and implemented current levels of Diploma, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, Licensed Engineer, Architect or Doctor.

-studies or degrees obtained abroad are not subject to approval on diplomas or certificates that universities, in exercising their autonomy, can be set as provided in Article 34.3 of Law 6 / 2001, 21 December, on Universities.

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Steps for approval of bachelor of medicine and surgery, according to RD 285/2004:

1. Administrative record request to the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

2. Certificate attesting the nationality of the applicant or certified photocopy of passport.

3.Título subject of validation or certification issued by the university. 4.Certificación

academic studies that includes:

Medicine courses taken, course length and score.

study programs and hour. 5.The

certificate issued 6 years ago, requires proof of professional practice (minimum 3 years)

6.Emisión report of the Coordination Council.

administrative 7.Resolución Ministry of Science and Innovation.

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Practice of Medicine in Spain

To practice medicine in Spain you must be in possession of evidence of basic training in medicine and, where appropriate, specialized, issued by the competent authority in accordance with the laws of the State whose system these studies belong education. Doctors
English Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for standardize and validate Medicine foreign titles.
Citizens of EU / EEA:
recognition of diplomas is the base to be self-employed or employed in any EU country European Economic Area (Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland. You can consult the list of medical specialties (PDF, 246 KB) and their equivalence.
Citizens of other countries, recognition of qualifications
The approval gives the foreign degree, from the date it is granted and the corresponding credential is issued, the same effects of English title or degree with which homologous throughout the country, according to the rules (PDF, 48 KB) in force.
an Association
To practice medicine in Spain you must register with the College Medical Officer of the province where you want to work. Each school has the power to establish the requirements, so please refer directly to them.

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approval of foreign medical specialists

approval of foreign medical specialists and pharmacists and other foreign securities of non-EU specialists from other professions


Applicable Law Royal Decree 183/2008 of 8 February by determining and classifying the specialties in Health Sciences and develop certain aspects of the health education specialist.
Order of 14 October 1991 (BOE of 23 October), as amended by Order October 16, 1996 (BOE of 19 October), regulates the conditions and procedure approval of foreign titles Pharmaceuticals and Medical Specialists for official titles by the English.
This procedure does not apply to diplomas, certificates and other evidence of Pharmaceutical Medical Specialists specialists or issued by Member States of the European Union or the States associated with the Agreement on the European Economic Area citizens thereof. Recognition of these diplomas, certificates and degrees is regulated by specific provisions. Competent authority

to resolve competition cases approval of foreign pharmaceutical and medical specialists and other foreign securities Specialist Community no other health professions is for the Minister of Education and Science, and his delegation, the Secretary of State for Universities and Research. Applications

Applications for approval shall be addressed to Secretary of State for Universities and Research (Directorate General for Higher Education, Directorate of Specialties Health Sciences) and presented at the General Register of the Secretary of State for Universities and Research (c / Albacete n º 5, 28071 - Madrid). They may also appear in the records and offices listed in Article 38.4 of Law 30/1992 of 26 November on the Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure (Official Gazette of November 27 of 1,992). In particular, post offices, wherever they occur in an open envelope to be dated and in the diplomatic or consular offices in Spain and abroad. Foreign Title

Title Diploma, certificate of studies or any other official document granted specialist status, issued by the authority which holds the authority to do so in the country concerned, and attesting to the holder for the lawful exercise of the profession in the country of origin or provenance. DOCUMENTATION

II .-
Document 1: photocopy of ID card or a certificate attesting to the nationality of the applicant.
Document 2: English equivalent degree in Pharmacy or Medicine or Bachelor of Science for Health and approved or validated foreign equivalent in Spain. Document
3: degree, diploma, certificate of studies or any other official document granting the status of pharmacist or medical specialists or other evidence SPECIALIST ABROAD NO OTHER COMMUNITY HEALTH PROFESSION.
Document No. 4 (*): Official Certification completed the training program for specialist status in stating:
teaching ability and competence to be formal legal specialists that underwent CENTER. DURATION
the training program. PLAZA
access system, and whether selective testing was performed by official or by another system.
System access for foreigners.
link type (resident assistant, etc ...).
Document No. 5 (*): Official certification of theoretical-practical activities undertaken by the applicant during the training program, which contains:
thorough and detailed aspects of care practices and activities developed, indicating casuistry.
Document No. 6: certificate accrediting the time spent by the applicant to specific PRACTICE SPECIALTY which approval is requested after the training period.
(*) Each page of these documents must be signed by the authority which certif ica.
III .-
OFFICIAL DOCUMENTARY REQUIREMENTS issued by the competent authorities.
legalized through diplomatic channels, with an official translation into Castilian, as appropriate.
collated and originals or photocopies or notarized by the diplomatic or consular of Spain in the country from which the document, or original and photocopy.
firm diplomatic or consular representation of Spain in the country from which the document must be recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
All documents must be fully authenticated through diplomatic channels before proceeding to make photocopies of them.
In countries signed the Hague Convention, legalization may be done by binding the corresponding Apostille document as a single process. Information on the competent authority to make the Apostille must be applied in the country of origin of the document.
The resolutions of the records of approval shall be developed taking into account the existing equivalence in the level and quality of education, content and duration between training programs accredited by the applicants and officially required in Spain.
not be subject to approval degrees, diplomas or certificates foreign pharmaceutical and medical specialists and other evidence of non-EU foreign specialists from other professions which have been obtained for validation and recognition of studies or practical training conducted in Spain.
Duration of the Training Programme
The duration of the training program accredited by the applicant must be the same as the officially established in Spain for the corresponding specialty. When the duration
the training period by the applicant is less than that required in Spain, estimate its subsequent practice, specific specialty, developed in the country of origin or title, provided that its duration is at least twice the difference between completed specialized training abroad and required in Spain. In the event that this assessment is positive, the applicant must carry and pass a theory and practice to get the approval.
If the applicant is credited to have made subsequent practice, available in Spain on additional training period required to complete the minimum required, provided that the difference between the two training periods not exceeding 20 per 100 for the duration required in Spain. In this case, assign the applicant an unpaid apprenticeship between the accredited and not covered in the allocation of positions for training of medical and pharmaceutical specialists were available. The allocation of the square will be a strict order of seniority in the submission of applications correctly and completely.
Once the additional training period the applicant must undergo theoretical and practical test to obtain approval overcome.
Content of the Training Programme
must be a correspondence between the contents of the training program was formally established in Spain for the relevant specialty and by the applicant, assessing whether the latter trained to acquire knowledge and skills specific to the specialty, as well as professional responsibility and whether it met the overall objectives of the training program in English.
In the event that there is total equivalence in the duration of the training program abroad compared to English, it is estimated that there is no equivalence in the content, may make proposals conducting theoretical and practical evidence that the applicant must overcome to get the approval.
Theoretical and Practical Test
The test will cover theoretical and practical knowledge and skills of English training required for qualification. Will be convened annually at the national level and consist of two exercises, each taking predatory. The first exercise
consist of the realization, for a hundred minutes of an objective test consisting of a hundred-choice questions of multiple answers, plus ten reserve, selected from which are part of the question bank that has previously developed the National Commission for Specialty. For the assessment of this exercise will be marked with three points each correct answer, one point is subtracted for each wrong answer and no points are left unanswered questions. To overcome this exercise must be obtained a minimum of 200 points. The second exercise
, which will be common to all applicants in each specialty who have passed the first resolution will consist of three case studies presented by the Court in order to assess the technical skills of candidates and will be out in School service credit or for that designates the Directorate General of Universities, Ministry of Education and Science and, as appropriate, the Secretariat or the Directorate General of Pharmacy and Health Products, Ministry of Health.
In the event that applicants for approval to submit such proof to overcome fail may repeat only once, after one year.

Source: Ministry of Science and Technology

Friday, August 7, 2009

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non-EU Interregional Council gives green light to the decree of approval

The CI has agreed that doctors from outside the EU are five prerequisites to obtaining the approval: be at the Ministry of Education or appropriate the title department is required to access the specialized training; have a foreign qualification specialist who has official status in the country of origin show that the foreign qualification has not been approved earlier in Spain or in another country EU; justify specialized training has been conducted in a university, a hospital or health center accredited for that purpose, and present professional history prior academic training, specialized and professional expertise developed in the country wining the title, plus all the additional training and other qualifications.
Read full article in Medical Journal: foreign homologation de