Title is the official document certifying full completion of a series of official studies, including where the probationary period required for collection, issued by the competent authority in accordance with the laws of the State whose system these studies belong education.
The recognition of foreign higher education is a recognition of the equivalence of foreign qualifications for a particular current English official title valid throughout the country. Implies recognition of the degree concerned, and involves the recognition professional effects inherent in the English title in question. Titles
subject to approval
foreign titles to be approved must meet the following requirements:
-Treating certificates issued by a university or institution of higher education abroad.
"The center of the title should be issuing official or duly authorized under the laws, regulations or administrative provisions of respective State.
"If the studies have been made entirely or partially in a foreign center located in Spain, the center should be duly authorized to conduct such studies by the competent English Education Authority, in accordance with Royal Decree 557/1991 of 12 April on the establishment and recognition of universities and colleges.
-titles should have obtained official recognition in the country's education system to which they relate. Is deemed to have an official academic titles awarded foreign higher education degrees members of a particular educational system and recognized as equivalent to those by the competent authorities of the country concerned.
-The title should endorse some studies actually completed under the system of the country that issues it. It is not acceptable, for purposes of approval in Spain, a foreign degree obtained by approval, validation or recognition of other evidence obtained in a third country or diplomas obtained by testing, without having studied.
-equivalence must be sufficient to reference the English title in both the academic level to which it belongs, and the duration and content of the required studies.
"The approval has obtained with reference to a English university degree and implemented current levels of Diploma, Technical Engineer, Technical Architect, Licensed Engineer, Architect or Doctor.
-studies or degrees obtained abroad are not subject to approval on diplomas or certificates that universities, in exercising their autonomy, can be set as provided in Article 34.3 of Law 6 / 2001, 21 December, on Universities.